lindstewfoodies update
Hattie is now over three months old! She is a little cutie and we love her so much! She sleeps around 10 hours a night (knock on wood), and smiles and coos all the time!
We've had a great summer (can't believe it's almost over!), and have been cooking, despite the lack of posts. The truth is, while most of my time is spent with Hattie, I do have a little extra time, and I guess I could use that time to blog. However, I usually use my extra time for graphic design jobs, laundry, dishes, cleaning, cooking, napping, enjoying my little cutie, etc. Most days I don't feel like I'm caught up on everything by the end of the day (life of a mom, right?). Since this blog is a "just-for-fun" thing, I've been putting it at the bottom of my list. I don't cook to blog anymore like I used to, I cook because I like to give my family good, nutritious food. I'm still trying new recipes, but I'm really lacking the desire (and time) to blog right now. So, I thought I'd give our loyal readers an update, and just let you know that blogging is at the bottom of my list right now, so we won't be blogging as often as we used to. By telling you this, it also relieves some pressure I've put on myself to blog.
Thanks for reading our blog! We still love food, and please feel free to share good recipes with us! Keep our blog in your rader, because we might post every so often (and might start up again in the future)! Also, follow us on twitter! We tweet more than we blog! @lindstewfoodies
: : lindstewfoodies : :